Order Your Own Thyroid and Other Lab Tests
If high-co-pays, disinterested doctors, or insurance and HMO restrictions are preventing you from getting the tests you need, you have the power to take charge of your health care!
Accurate and easy home bloodspot thyroid test kits -- and lab tests at local Quest labs -- are available at significantly discounted costs, with no doctor’s appointment or lab request from your doctor needed.
Some popular tests you can order directly include:
• Comprehensive thyroid panel, including TSH, Free T4, Free T3
• Reverse T3, Thyroid Antibodies, Iodine
• Adrenal Stress/Saliva Cortisol
• HA1C and Leptin (for weight loss)
• Ferritin (for hair loss)
and much more. Learn more now!
Paloma Home Thyroid Test Kit
Online medical practice Paloma Health offers an at-home thyroid test kit. The kit provides comprehensive, highly accurate test results from a CLIA-certified lab and is available for $99. The kit tests:
• Free T4
• Free T3
• Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
Add-ons are available at checkout to add tests for:
• Vitamin D
• Reverse T3
Paloma’s at-home test kits let you test wherever you are, including the comfort of home. All you need to do is...
1. Order your test kit, which is shipped to you quickly, free.
2. Complete a blood test. (It’s a fast, easy, and painless finger prick!)
3. Mail back your test card in the prepaid mailer.
4. Get your results back in days, delivered securely online.
Lab Tests with Ulta
Did you know that in most states in the U.S., you can order your own lab tests without a doctor’s visit or a doctor’s lab order? It’s called “direct-to-consumer” laboratory testing, and I’m making this service available to you, as an independent contractor of Ulta Lab Tests.
With Ulta, you have access to thousands of medical tests at significantly lowered costs -- often much lower than your insurance copays! You can usually pay for testing out of health savings accounts (HSA) as well. It’s an affordable and convenient way to privately learn about your health.
The Benefits
You eliminate the cost and inconvenience of a doctor’s visit just to order routine testing
Bypass doctors, HMOS, and insurers that refuse your request for specific tests
Tests cost as much as 80% less than in your doctor’s office or local hospital lab and may even be less than copays
Complete privacy and security for your medical records; your test results are never added to your insurance or HMO files (unless you add them)
Access to a private, personal health record online
Get testing for vitamin and mineral levels to help monitor your response to supplements and dietary changes
You are in control of your health!
How It Works
It’s simple to use Ulta Lab Tests!
Find the tests you want, and order and pay for them at Ulta Lab Tests.
Go to a convenient lab for testing.
When your results are in, you’ll get an email from Ulta.
View or download your results on your secure patient portal and share them with your physician. It’s that easy!
(Note: Due to state laws, Ulta cannot provide their services in N.J., NY, or R.I.)
Visit https://www.ultalabtests.com/shomon to see my custom panels and the full range of Ulta Lab Test options.

Order Individual Tests and Panels with Ulta
Thyroid / Thyroid Antibodies / Thyroid-Related
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Free T4 (FT4)
Free T3 (FT3)
Reverse T3 (RT3)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPO)
Thyroglobulin Antibody (TgAb)
Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI)
Blood Sugar/Weight
Fasting Glucose (Blood Sugar)
Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)
Leptin Test
Autoimmune Diabetes
Fasting Glucose (Blood Sugar)
Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)
C-Peptide Test
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD Antibodies)
Adrenal Issues
Saliva Cortisol (4 samples) Test
Adrenal Stress Complete Panel
DHEA Sulfate
Nutritional Status